Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Unmask The Hidden Power of Human in Yourself

1. Power of Dreams

Sweet dreams
Sweet dreams (Photo credit: Gabriela Camerotti)
Humans have The Power Of Dreams. Every human being has the power of dreams is due to the strength of this we will achieve the best things that will happen in our lives that will certainly be the goal of life is better and obviously we have achieved as desired. As a desire of a person, this power is a major factor of human purpose in life. If we live without dreams, then our lives will run forward without direction and it will be difficult to control.

2. The Power of Focus

Human Statue Bodyart
Human Statue Bodyart (Photo credit: Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer)
Next super human strength is focus. This power is to be the best force in human beings. This focus power into a force for you to see the future, dreams that all of our goals achieved. Not surprisingly, this power was a major center of human to begin stepping into a dream destination to be obtained. So for you, start now and develop the focus of these super powers!

3.Power of Learning

Seven Principles of Learning
Seven Principles of Learning (Photo credit: dkuropatwa)
The Power Of Learning this power can make human into excellent human by undergo a learning process in itself. With this power, man can face and create change us for the better. So to you, Keep learning and achieve a better life!

4. Survival strength

centre (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Next, humans have The Power Of Survival. Did you know that the man has the power struggle. Humans are given the strength to face hardship and suffering that humans can face appropriate capabilities, because that's the power of the Lord will also provide difficulties and failures that would surely be facing the man with superhuman strength.

5. Power of Self-Discipline

The Fifth Discipline
The Fifth Discipline (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This power is a superpower owned by people who are basic human benchmark for excellence is justified by the philosopher Aristotle. According to the info,a  strength of self-discipline will take someone who did it to peak performance. So for you, control the power of self-discipline in order to obtain good performance for the future.

6. Power of Mind

All in the Mind (novel)
All in the Mind (novel) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The power that you definitely know is The Power Of Mind. Yes, humans do have a mind remarkable compared to other living things. With the power of mind, humans can distinguish between good and bad for him and can live their lives well. This power is the power of the super really because it is not owned by other people. With good thoughts, it will live a good life anyway, whereas if the bad thoughts that would run too bad anyway. Therefore, change your mind to be positive in order to become a super power in a positive as well.

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