Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Stuxnet Returns

Stuxnet Returns

We all know, Iranian media report Iran's nuclear enrichment efforts were hit hard in 2010 by the Stuxnet worm, which was also blamed for problems at industrial plants and factories. Again Tehran accused Israel and the US of planting the malware in their infrastructure. In 2010, Iran accused the West of trying to disrupt its nuclear facilities with the Stuxnet worm.Researchers estimated that five industrial processing organisations in Iran were hit repeatedly between June 2009 and April 2010 by the worm which they believed had been created by a "nation state" in the West.
Despite the problem and danger behind the cyber attack, Government of iran has regularly claimed success in defeating those computer viruses, such as Stuxnet and Flame, which have affected its industries. The malware attack on Iran's oil ministry and national oil company in april are forcing the government to disconnect key oil facilities, including the Kharg Island oil terminal that handles most of Tehran's exports and of course Iran lost a lot because of this malware attack.
During 2011,again  Iran said some of its computer systems were infected by another spyware. The spyware was believed to have been designed to steal important dataand the worst was the objectives of this spyware was to help launching further cyber attacks on Iran. This spyware lately known as Duqu spyware. The attacks have affected its energy exports as well as its controversial uranium enrichment programme, which Western countries suspect is aimed at constructing nuclear weapons. Tehran insists it is solely for peaceful purposes.
The biggest cyber attack so far was from the Stuxnet worm, which believed to be the first known virus specifically targeted at infrastructure facilities such as power stations. Iran said centrifuges used in uranium enrichment had been sabotaged and the UN nuclear watchdog said the enrichment programme had been temporarily brought to a halt. Reports suggested that the worm had infected the personal computers of staff at Iran's first nuclear power station at Bushehr.In September this year, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the United Nations General Assembly that time was running out to stop Tehran having enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear bomb. To summarize this let's see this time series of cyber attack in the iran.
  • Stuxnet worm hits Iranian centrifuges - from mid-2009 to late 2010
  • Iran complains facilities hit by Stars malware - April 2011
  • Duqu trojan hits Iran's computer systems - November 2011
  • Flame virus targets computers in PCs across the Middle East, including Iran and Israel - June 2012
  • Iran says Stuxnet worm returns - December 2012
In Conclusion, it is clear that even now, the iranian government have been in a constant attack of cyber malware, in my opinion the attack was probably designed to disrupt the iranian activities and of course it was because the fear of another countries if the iran have the bomb and would change the power stability in the middle east

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