Friday, 15 February 2013

A Break Up Letter From Heart

I Love You and Broken by You
by: Haidir Aulia Reizaputra

Dear my beloved,

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried to say what's on mind.
You should have known that i love you so much.

Its nice to love a person who did not say anything
 but you feel everything
 than to love a person who says everything but you feel nothing
 I’m mad at myself, not you. I’m mad for always being nice. 
Always apologizing for things I never did, for getting attached. 
For making you a huge part of my life, wasting my time on you, depending on you, thinking about you, wishing for you, dreaming of you, changing all for YOU.
But most of all, not hating you when I know I should.

You are The only person that has ever truly been there for me.

I miss your heart so much, all the time, everyday, I have bad dreams of what it’s like to not be with you, I wake up crying.
I know I was never there for you pretty much ever, yet you stayed by my side, you deserves so much more then me.
I don’t know what my life will be like without you, I know I’ll never in my life find anyone that would give me the love you gave me.

And one day I’ll gladly hope to hear that you will be getting the loves you always deserved.
Its the only thing that will get me through this, knowing that one day she will be truly happy and much better off without me. 
Sorry for too much talking, Okay, Leave, but remember this.
I will always be there, in the back of your mind, deep in your heart, on the sidelines, and you will see me out of the corner of your eye..
 But by the time you realize that I am what you wanted, I will be gone and there will be nothing you can do because I stayed long enough and you never came....

Do you thinking about me while you’re with him?Do you find yourself comparing him to me?

Are you having second thoughts about letting me go?
OR Was it really WORTH breaking my heart?

I can’t talk to you anymore, 

it’s not that I am mad at you, 
it’s just that when I talk to you,
 I realize how much I love you,
 and when I realize how much I love you, 
I realize I can’t have you and that makes me love you even more.

I want to be able to smile again 
but even the thought of a smile makes me think about yours and thats really hurts.

You make me Happy. 
You make me everything I can be. 
Your brought joy into this life of mine, but left with more than that. 
I’ve changed and I don’t know if it’s good. 
I’ve become stronger, and wiser. 
Yet unhappiness and dread lurk inside of me. 
You may not believe it, but I loved you, or at least thought I did.
 Now I don’t know how I can put it but no matter how much I try to forget, I never will. 

Because unlike you, forever and always meant something to me.
You don’t realize how much someone meant to you until they break your heart

How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to.

Until this moment, I never understood how hard it was to lose something i never had.
Never regrets your choices for rejecting Me
because i will never regrets my choices for choosing you

thanks for all

Someday, it will be your turn, to feel my pain.

One day you’ll decide to love me and I’ll be long gone by then.
I wouldnt exactly call you a mistake. 
I would call you more like a lesson WELL learned
Sometimes I wonder what you think of me or if you do at all?
You were my everything and I?
 I was your toy?
Even after all you put me through,
 I still miss you
Its easy to fall for someone you like, 
but harder to realize that they don’t feel the same way about you.

One day you’ll wake up and realize “Damn, that boy really did love me!”

I may regret the way we ended, but I will never regret what we had

I don’t miss you, 

I miss who I thought you was back then.

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Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Bible of How To Start Making Interesting Blog Content

The Bible of How To Start 

Making Interesting Blog Content

by: Haidir Aulia Reizaputra

1. Create valuable content.

Is your content worthy of being read by millions of people?  Remember that the purpose of content is to provide value to others.  Do you provide genuine value, and is it the best you’re capable of providing? ”  If a million people each spend five minutes on this site, that’s nearly 10 person-years total think about the effect you want your writing to have on people.  When you focus on providing real value instead of churning out disposable content, your readers will notice.  And they’ll refer others to your site – in droves.  Strong content is universally valued.  It’s hard work to create it, but in the long run it generates lots of long-term referral traffic.  I’d rather write one article I’m really proud of than 25 smaller posts.  It’s been my experience that the best articles I write will outperform all the forgettable little posts I’ve made.  Quality is more important than quantity.  Quantity without quality, however, is easier, which is one reason so many people use that strategy.  Ultimately, however, the Internet already contains more quantity than any one of us can absorb in our lifetimes, but there will always be a place for good quality content that stands out from the crowd.

If you have nothing of genuine value to offer to a large audience, then you have no need of a high-traffic web site.  And if there’s no need for it, you probably won’t get it.  Each time you write, focus on creating the best content you can.  You’ll get better as you go along, but always do your best.  I’ve written some 2000-word articles and then deleted them without posting them because I didn’t feel they were good enough.

2. Create original content.

  It takes more effort to produce original content, but it’s my preferred long-term strategy.  
Consequently, when people arrive, they often stick around for a while.  Chances are good that if you like one of my articles, you may enjoy others.  
Although I’m not big on competing with others, it’s hard to compete with an original content site.  Anyone can start their own personal development web site, but the flavor of this site is unique simply because no one else has had the exact same experiences as me.
I think sites that mainly post content from others have the potential to build traffic faster in the beginning, I think original content sites have an easier time keeping their traffic, which makes for a more solid, long-term foundation.  Not everyone is going to like my work, but for those that do, there’s no substitute.

3. Create timeless content.

 People still quote Aristotle today because his ideas have timeless value, even though he’s been dead for about 2300 years.  Can you think about how your work might influence future generations?

Writing for future generations will helps you cut through the fluff and stay focused on the core of your message, which is to help people.  As long as there are people (even if our bodies are no longer strictly biological), there will be the opportunity for growth. 
In terms of traffic building, timeless content connects with people at a deeper level than time-bound content.  The latter is meant to be forgotten, while the former is meant to be remembered.  We forget yesterday’s news, but we remember those things that have meaning to us. 

Even though we’re conditioned to believe that news and current events are important, in the grand scheme of things, most of what’s covered by the media is trivial and irrelevant.  Very little of today’s news will even be remembered next week, let alone a hundred years from now.  Certainly some events are important, but at least 99% of what the media covers is irrelevant fluff when viewed against the backdrop of human history.

Ignore the fluff, and focus on building something with the potential to endure.  Write for your children and grandchildren.

4. Write for human beings first, computers second.

 This traffic-building strategy  leaves you less vulnerable to shifts in technology.  I figure that Google ultimately wants to make it easy for its visitors to find valuable content, so my current strategy should be in alignment with Google’s long-term strategy.  My feeling is that Google would be well-served by sending more of its traffic here.  But that alignment simply arises from my focus on providing value first and foremost.

5. Know why you want a high-traffic site.

What will you do if you succeed in building a high-traffic web site?  If you someday find yourself in the privileged position of being able to influence millions of people, what will you say to them?  Will you honor and respect this position by using it as a channel to serve the highest good of all, or will you throw that opportunity away to pursue your own fleeting fame and fortune while feeding your audience disposable drivel?

6. You Don’t Know Your Reader

Writing valuable content really comes down to one thing.Knowing who you’re writing to & what they find valuable.People are visiting your blog & they’re looking to get something there. It’s usually to learn something, find inspiration, or to join a group of like-minded people. No matter what the reason may be, you have to provide what they’re looking for if you want them to stick around & talk with you.In order to know what your audience finds valuable you have to narrow things down a bit. You can’t possibly write enough to keep everyone who comes across your blog happy.
You need to focus on the one type of person that reads your blog most. The type of person that you have something to offer. That person is called your “ideal reader”.

It’s exactly the same thing as knowing who your ideal customer is. More than likely, your ideal blog reader is going to be the same person as your ideal customer, or at least someone very similar if you have a business blog. In order to know what they find valuable, you have to know who they are & what they like. You want to know them as if they’re a friend you talk to on a regular basis.

7. Write what is true for you, and learn to live with the consequences.

Being honest is more important to me than being popular.  But the irony is that because bold honesty is so rare among civilized humans, in the long run this may be the best traffic-building strategy of all.
  But truth is truth.  

You should write what is true for you, regardless of public opinion.  Sometimes you will be in the majority; sometimes you are not.  You must fully aware that some of your opinions might be unpopular.  If I’m able to offend you so easily, to me that means you already recognize some truth in what I’ve written, but you aren’t ready to face it consciously yet.  If you read something from me that provokes an emotional reaction, then a seed has already been planted.  In other words, it’s already too late for you.  
 Truth creates trust, and trust builds traffic.  No games, no gimmicks… just plain old brutal honesty.  Even the people that say they hate you will still come back, and eventually those people will become your most ardent supporters.  Even if they don’t agree with you, they’ll learn they can trust you and that your intentions are honorable, and trust is more important than agreement.

8. Treat your visitors like real human being

Real human beings helping real human beings is ultimately what traffic growth is all about.  That’s precisely what a link or a referral is.  If you align yourself with the intention of genuinely helping people because you care, you’ll soon find yourself with an abundance of traffic.

9. Keep money in its proper place.

Money is important.  Obviously you and i have bills to pay.  Money pays for my computer, my high-speed internet connection, my house, and my food.  I just returned yesterday from a vacation that money paid for.  
While many entrepreneurs pursue money for the purpose of becoming wealthy, you can chose a different route.  By paying close attention to how you earn money and not just how much you earn, you will keep money in its proper place.  This allows you to stay focused on your purpose without getting wrapped up in less important concerns like building a brand, closing sales, or doing phony marketing.

Since the income generation is largely on autopilot, Some business models make it very challenging to build traffic.  You have to spend a lot of time and energy just on lead generation, and then maybe you try to monetize those leads by selling a product or service.  It’s always an uphill struggle.

Word of mouth does the rest.  So traffic building strategy is more like flowing downstream.  It will not been a struggle at all.  And once you have sufficient traffic, it isn’t that hard to monetize it without becoming an ogre.

We’ve all heard the expression, “Build a better mousetrap, and they’ll come.”  And we’ve also heard marketing and sales people say that this is just plain wrong – you have to market and sell that mousetrap effectively too.  I say they’re all wrong.  My approach is the equivalent of, “Build a better mousetrap and give it away for free, and they’ll come – and they’ll bring friends too.”

10. Find the questions your visitors are asking

Next, you need to figure out what your customers want to know now. Do some research to find the questions they’re asking. Quora, Yahoo Answers and LinkedIn Answers.
These are just a few of the popular Q&A sites on the web today. People pose questions at these sites in all types of categories, from parenting to management, home repair to manufacturing.

But just because a question is asked (and even answered) doesn’t mean that the topic is closed. Chances are you have a better, more nuanced or just different answer to the question.

Take the question and make it your own on your blog.


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